Electric Flow
Group exhibition at Franklin company office space, Konepaja, Helsinki, 20.9.-13.10.2024 Curated by Finnish Sprit / Noora Leinikka
Group exhibition at Franklin company office space, Konepaja, Helsinki, 20.9.-13.10.2024 Curated by Finnish Sprit / Noora Leinikka
Solo-exhibition at Galleria Loisti, Helsinki, Finland, 18.–29.9.2024
Poetic interpretation of Pip’s NDE (Near death) experience, at Under the Leaf Book Fair #2, Kohta Taidehalli, 21.-22.10.2023. Commissioned by TUOTUO.
Florist exhibition at Lokal gallery 18.1. – 2.3. 2024 & N ä k y m ä t ö n p e u k a l o 1 – 2
Aquarelle and gouache on paperi, tracing paper, cutting, 2023
Aquarelle on paper, printing on tracing paper, cutting, 2023. Kasvihuoneessa exhibition, Herttoniemen omapelto, Helsinki 7.10.2023
Aquarelle and gouache on paper, crayon on tracing paper, 2023 @ Syyssalonki 4.–24.10.2024, Tm-galleria, Helsinki
A group exhibition at Lokal Gallery 9.6.-26.8.2023
Taidemaalariliiton teosvälitys 8. – 17.3.2024 Kaapelitehtaalla
Vantaanjoki puhuu is one zine / notebook long poem. The poem floats like a stream, all day long, not taking breaks, saying everything, saying nothing. The zine is printed on a home printer, cut by hand. The form emphasises ordinary life and the hidden wisdom and nobility that lies in it, 2022